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Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Adiwiyata, Reflection of The Green School

Hello Readers :)
In this posting, I'll give you some information about A D I W I Y A T A.
do you want to know what's Adiwiyata?  so, check it out !!!

Adiwiyata, Reflection of The Green School

Adiwiyata derives from Sanskritic word ADI and Wiyata. Adi means great, good, ideal or perfect, and Wiyata means a place where people obtains knowledge, norms, ethics in social life.
If these 2 words combined , the overall meaning is a good place and ideals where everyone can obtained all the science and the various norms and ethics that can be the basis of human to create welfare of our lives and toward the ideals of sustainable development. 

Adiwiyata program is an environmental education program by the Ministry of Environment in 2006 as a follow-up of  MoU on June 3, 2005 between the Minister for the Environment and Minister of National Education. This program is intended for the empowerment of schools in primary, junior and senior high schools in order to encourage the creation of knowledge and awareness of the schools in environmental conservation, where the residents learn to be responsible in managing their school environment. 

The purpose of Adiwiyata Program is to make a good conditions for schools to become places of learning and awareness to the school community (teachers, students and other workers), so the rescue efforts of environmental and sustainable development efforts can be realize. 

Its main activity is creating care school institutions and cultured environments for elementary and secondary schools in Indonesia. 

To make a care and cultured school environment , requires the school management model that supports the implementation of environmental education by all citizens of the school according to basic principles of the Adiwiyata program, Participatory and Sustainable
There are 4 factors as the Indicator of success for Adiwiyata program, include : Development of School Policies to realize the care and cultured School Environment, Development Environment-Based curriculum, Development of participatory-based activity , management and development of School Support Facility in school activities towards a healthy environment and avoid the negative environmental impact.

In its implementation, the Ministry of Environment collaborated with stakeholders created Adiwayata Program, hope to invite the school community in school activities towards a healthy environment, avoid the negative environmental impacts, implement the process of learning and teaching the material environment and participate preserve, also maintain the environment in schools and surrounding areas. 

Basically, Adiwiyata program is not intended as a competition or contest. Adiwiyata award given as a appreciation to the school that is able to carry out efforts to increase environmental education correctly, according to the stablished criteria. The award is given to the empowerment stage (during the period of less than 3 years) and independent phase (during a period of more than 3 years).

By : Wiwin Nuril Falah ~ 9th Acceleration Grade ~ SMPN 1 Balikpapan

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